Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Only Once a Year"

        This Cattleya Orchid only blooms once a year, but what a delight it is.  Measures 6 inches high!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Appalachian Coal Services, Pikesville, KY "First Load Out 110 rail cars"

Gina, one of the most personable and amazing ladies I have ever met.

I don't know what the temperature was, but at 6:30 AM there was so much frost on the coal, it looked like snow.

110 cars can be loaded in only 4 hours!

Friday, February 3, 2012

LDH Energy in Pikeville, KY constructed by Appalachian Coal from Princeton, WV

Amazing image when you realize it is 8 images, but because of the harsh light, each image is photographed 3 times to capture the best highlights, shadows, and mid-tones.  Then these 3 are combined into one.  So there are 24 exposures in this panorama that is over 180 degrees!  The original measures 2 feet by 8 feet, and is over 1 GB. Where the road curves out of the picture on the right side, you can see men standing in the road!  Because of the triple exposure men and equipment could not be moving, and if the 100 foot lift I was in shook for one image, it would have ruined the shot!